Pack Health has always made it a priority to meet members where they are.

We provide multiple avenues for communication and health goal tracking. But early last year, we saw a need to strengthen how our members experience our platform and launched a new program delivery option: our member web portal. Embodying two of our company’s core values, compassion and collaboration, the development of our member portal was created with input directly from those who matter most – our members.  

“With the goal of launching a member web portal that complements our health coaching journey, we utilized member interviews and research to help us inform its creation,” said Leslie Marshall, Senior Technical Product Manager at Pack Health, a Quest Diagnostics company. 

After gathering vital stakeholder input, Pack Health launched the new member web portal in July 2022 to our current members. The portal allows members to experience their program as they would with the other delivery options – but with enhanced visuals to keep track of their progress. When logging in, users can access weekly lessons, track health metrics, and see progress with their weekly incremental goal, called a Tiny Step. 

To understand how current members adapted to utilizing and engaging with the member web portal, Pack Health researchers measured changes from baseline to month three in member retention, engagement, and health outcomes in comparison to non-portal users.  

Member web app users were 25% more engaged with their program than non-app users.

Results show that:

  • Member retention among portal users was twice of that for non-portal users.1 
  • Member web portal users were 25% more engaged with their program than non-portal users.1  
  • Member web portal users completed 98% of their weekly modules, a 6.4% higher rate than non-portal users.1  
  • By month 3, 74% of portal users improved their medication adherence, a 5.7% higher rate than non-portal users.1 

Members who utilized the portal have demonstrated a high level of engagement and have seen significant improvements in health outcomes, including improved medication adherence.1  

“With the portal, our members are given an extra chance to reinforce the behaviors learned with their Health Advisor and stay accountable to their health goals,” M’Kayl Lewis, Senior Director of Member Services at Pack Health, a Quest Diagnostics Company, explained. 

Paired with the weekly support and resources from their Health Advisors, this new portal serves as a valuable supplementary tool for members to keep their health goals top of mind. 


  1. Data on file. Pack Health. 2022.